Going Online in Difficult Times

We are living in difficult times, the coronavirus has put us all in lockdown. We are severely affected by the lockdown because I am identified as a shielded patient, so housebound for at least 12 weeks.

Your truly & Jan at the stables.
This is not as bad as it sounds. We are lucky, many people living in flats in the cities are struggling. Our cottage in the country with our horses in the field next to the house and the two young dogs give us an opportunity to spend time outdoors and enjoy nature.
However, the opportunity to enjoy good food is limited as we are reliant on other to shop for us.
I see an opportunity for investigating the world of epicurean online shopping.

For some time I have had my eye on Trealy Farm Charcuterie in Pontypool. Established in 2004, they are pioneers of the British Charcuterie Renaissance. Their simple philosophy of using the finest British meats to forge new traditions has produced many awards and accolades. Alas, this is all just words because I have not had an opportunity to taste the produce.

The Trealy Farm website does not have a shop facility however, you can order by email or phone. I decided to order through Black Mountains Smokery website which allows me to try out a comprehensive online shop stocking many interesting Welsh produce. The website was well designed and simple to use. I have ordered Air Dried Pork Collar "Coppa", Fennel Salami, Game Salami (Venison & Red Wine), Spicy "Chorizo" Sausage, Venison Carpaccio with Juniper with an expected delivery date of 16th April.
We await with anticipation!
Websites: https://trealyfarmcharcuterie.co.uk/        https://www.smoked-foods.co.uk/


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